
The Fiction of Ideas

Image result for space cityReading Aye and Gomorrah was an experience. Its really the first time I've encountered writing such as this and this topic is unknown as well. It took me a moment to really catch on to what was going on. The terms used relating to terms we have as a society but in its own way was really interesting. The idea of have sort of these non-gendered people who, from what it seemed, didn't have to much of a choice in the matter. Also, as said, they were required to be stripped of their fruits for the purposes of going to space, as the matter of space affected them in such a way. Which they probably could have found a better solution to that problem instead of just getting frilly with a knife.

The way the spacers are treated is interesting, a little like prostitutes in a way as they are offering something of themselves for something they require and the reluctance from the main interaction is kind of refreshing. I enjoyed this short story and wish it had gone further!

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