I haven't made it all the way through the novel as I'm writing this but from what I can decern, Siri would be the main player here. She follows pretty closely, so far, to the typical pattern. The poor girl stands out like a sore thumb in her small town and is suddenly sent aw.ay to the colorful kingdom of Halledean, at first she's scared and wishes to return home and refuse this forced call, but as she arrives and witness the city she decides to take up her duty and crosses the final threshold to her fate. Siri is a pretty headstrong character her can't keep her emotions in check most of the time and I love her for it. Another character that I've grown to love is the Returned Lightsong, he's witty and funny and just an enjoyable character throughout what I've read.
Warbreaker is pretty different from other novels I've and that makes it very appealing to read something totally new and enchanting.